Discussing Pediatric Medical Care

The 4 Elements For A Student Athlete's Healthy Body & Mind

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There are so many things to think about and do when your child is a student athlete and he or she is striving to get a college scholarship. The two most important things to do are to keep their grades up and avoid getting sports injuries. Don’t get so caught up in the hustle and bustle of things that you forget the most basic elements that everyone needs for success—earth, water, air, and fire.…

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5 Things You Need After You Break Your Tibia

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When you break your tibia, you will not only be in a lot of physical pain but you will also be faced with a long recovery time, averaging at least a year until full recovery. During the months when you are on crutches and have limited mobility, you will need to make adjustments to your life in order to make things as easy as possible for yourself. Here are five things you will need when recovering from a broken tibia:…

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Is Your Teen A Victim Of Bullying? How You Can Help

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Parents of teenagers can often find themselves dealing with situations that are far more complicated than they dealt with when their children were younger. Bullying is one of those situations. It can be tough to know what to do when you find out your teen is being bullied. Many times teens are reluctant to tell their parents that they’re being bullied out of fear that their parents either won’t take them seriously or will overreact – and the truth is, sometimes, those fears are justified.…

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