For most people, pregnancy is a wonderful and joyous miracle to celebrate. However, pregnancy can also cause an overwhelming amount of physical and emotional distress for many women. While surprising to hear, an estimated 13 percent of pregnant woman and new mothers suffer with depression. This condition not only affects you and your health, but it also affects the health and wellness of your unborn child. If you think you may be suffering with depression during your pregnancy, use this guide and the help of your obstetrician to properly understand and treat this disorder.…
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Vampires have been mesmerizing humankind since their inception. Although they are a figment of humanity’s collective imagination, many people are so enamored with the idea of these beings that they go to great lengths to emulate them, including springing for implanted fangs. Before you make an appointment with a cosmetic dentist to swap out your canine teeth with fang implants, you need to fully understand how these teeth will affect your oral and physical health.…
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The customary glass of water next to the bed is a common sight for denture wearers. If you’ve recently received partial or full dentures, then you’re probably wondering why keeping your dentures in water is so important. You also might be wondering if there are any alternatives to the ubiquitous glass of water. The following offers in-depth information about keeping your dentures in water.
Why Keep Your Dentures in Water?…
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