Discussing Pediatric Medical Care

3 Things To Do Before Your Laser Eye Surgery

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If you are going to get laser eye surgery to help to correct your vision, there are a few things that you will need to do in order to get ready for the surgery.  Stop Wearing Contacts If you wear contact lenses, then you will need to stop wearing for a time before your surgery. Your doctor will tell you exactly how long before your surgery you have to stop wearing them, but generally, it’s a few weeks prior.…

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Why You Should Lock Up Your Medical Equipment Drawers In The Emergency Room

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If you work steadily in the emergency room at your local hospital, each of your medical bays probably has several drawers for medical equipment and supplies. While this is advantageous for easy access in crisis situations, less critical patients also have access. You should consider placing locks on some of these cabinets and drawers for the following reasons. Scalpels Scalpels just laying in an unlocked drawer are a recipe for disaster.…

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3 Tips To Help Prepare Your Child For Plastic Surgery

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If your child has a birth defect or has been injured, he or she might need to have plastic surgery done. If this is the case, you might be hopeful about the results of the surgery, but you might be a bit nervous about how your child is going to react as well. Preparing your child as much as possible can help things go more smoothly and can help him or her to be less frightened about the idea of having plastic surgery done.…

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