Discussing Pediatric Medical Care

What You Should Do If Your Child With A Stinging Insect Allergy Wants To Go To Summer Camp

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When you have a child that suffers from a stinging insect allergy, your biggest concern on any given day is making sure that they stay as healthy as possible and as far away from stinging insects as they can be. However, your child likely wants to live their life just like every other kid their age. And because of this fact, your child may be begging you to let them sign up for and go to summer camp with their friends.…

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Knee And Shoulder Bone Spurs: Are They Responsible For Your Pain?

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If you have intense pain and limited range of motion in your knees and shoulders, ask an orthopedist about bone spurs. Bone spurs, or osteophytes, are abnormal bone growths that form on joints and other bones, including your shoulders and knees. For most people, the bony growths are painless and go unnoticed. However, bone spurs can cause significant problems in some individuals, particularly people who have injuries or a medical condition that inflames the joints.…

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What You Need to Know If You Have a Spinal Compression Fracture

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If you have an unexplained spinal compression fracture, there are a few important things you will need to check into so you can get the proper treatment for the condition. Without an obvious injury, you likely have an underlying condition and, possibly, supposed incidental findings that could cause your fracture and problems in the future. Here are a few things you need to be aware of and check into.  Medical conditions that can cause spinal compression fractures…

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