It’s important to find an obstetrician to work with one-on-one throughout the entirety of your family planning experience. If you’re seeing multiple doctors during the planning stages or throughout a pregnancy, you run the risk of having valuable medical data lost that’s important to your overall care.
Fertility Treatments
One of the most important things to think about when choosing an obstetrician to work with as you plan your new family is fertility treatment options.…
Diarrhea is a common gastrointestinal problem and depending on the accompanying symptoms, it may be attributed to your food choices or viral infection. When diarrhea becomes more than an occasional episode, it is time to consider the underlying culprit, which may be serious.
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a functional problem with the intestines that is more common in women. People with IBS often experience primarily diarrhea or constipation.…
If you have intense pain and limited range of motion in your knees and shoulders, ask an orthopedist about bone spurs. Bone spurs, or osteophytes, are abnormal bone growths that form on joints and other bones, including your shoulders and knees. For most people, the bony growths are painless and go unnoticed. However, bone spurs can cause significant problems in some individuals, particularly people who have injuries or a medical condition that inflames the joints.…
If you have an unexplained spinal compression fracture, there are a few important things you will need to check into so you can get the proper treatment for the condition. Without an obvious injury, you likely have an underlying condition and, possibly, supposed incidental findings that could cause your fracture and problems in the future. Here are a few things you need to be aware of and check into.
Medical conditions that can cause spinal compression fractures…
The number of urgent care centers in the United States has increased greatly over the past several years, and up to 600 new centers are opening each year. This rapid rise in numbers is due to several reasons, with lack of physician access and rising costs for emergency room care being among the most important. Urgent care centers are filling a valuable role in the American health care system, but some people are still not fully aware of how an urgent care center can meet their needs.…
If you’ve always wanted to get a face lift within the time that it takes you to eat lunch, or within about 30 minutes or so, you might benefit from thread lifting. This type of non-surgical face lift relies on using threads that contain bidirectional cones to lift up saggy skin to give your face a more defined and replenished look. The results look natural, and the treads used will further stimulate collagen production in your face.…
Struggling with body image is a common problem, but that doesn’t stop it from being destructive to one’s own sense of self-worth. If left alone, a poor self-perception can lead to further mental and emotional conditions such as anorexia, depression or anxiety. However, there are several practical steps you can take to help repair the damage done by a poor body image and gain healing. Below are five of these:…
If you’ve developed a boil-like skin rash after spending time in a hospital or healthcare facility, it’s important to consider the possibility that the problem might be MRSA. Short for methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, MRSA is a bacteria that can cause oozing, blister-like rashes on the skin. The scary thing about MRSA is that, as its name suggests, it is resistant to methicillin, the antibiotic that is typically used to treat Staph aureus infections.…
If you’ve been trained and certified as a registered nurse (RN) or licensed practical nurse (LPN) and are beginning to feel the long-term physical effects of a job that requires you to be on your feet and alert throughout a twelve-hour shift, you may be wondering what else you can do with your degree that may be a bit less physically taxing. Fortunately, your nursing licensure can be an extremely useful tool in your employment arsenal, and you’re likely to be able to find an enjoyable and lucrative job that you’ll be able to continue performing for years without developing joint issues or the other problems that can go hand in hand with a highly physical nursing career.…
If you are feeling a lot more tired than usual and just have no energy to do things, you might be able to change feeling like this by making a few changes in your lifestyle. If you feel like something is wrong with you, you could also visit the doctor. While the doctor may find that you have high blood pressure or some other type of problem, there is also a chance the doctor may simply recommend making these three changes and waiting a few weeks to see if you notice a difference with the way you feel.…