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Should You Schedule A Cataract Surgery? Ask These Questions First

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Is cataract surgery the right choice? This cloudy area in your eye's lens is a common condition that can cause blurry or hazy vision. If you have a recent diagnosis, take a look at the reasons to choose cataract eye surgery and what you can expect from the procedure.

Can Cataracts Affect Your Vision?

Yes, cataracts can negatively affect your vision. You can have a cataract in one eye or both eyes. The extent of the vision changes this condition can cause depends on the severity of the cataracts, your individual vision needs, and your health. The most common symptoms of cataracts include cloudy or blurry vision, poor color vision (colors may appear faded), low night-time vision, seeing halos around lights, double vision, and the need for new or stronger prescription glasses. 

Some people experience a single cataract symptom, while others have several or a combination of issues. If left untreated, cataracts can grow over time. This type of growth can increase the severity of the symptoms or cause new ones to start. Any of the cataract symptoms can interfere with your vision. Poor or obstructed vision can cause accidents, injuries, and other safety issues. The possibility of vision-related incidents makes it necessary to treat cataracts as soon as possible.

Is Surgery the Only Option?

Some patients choose to use prescription glasses to enhance their vision and correct cataract-related changes. Even though a new or higher prescription could help, it isn't a complete or permanent treatment. Surgery is the only way to stop cataracts from growing in severity and help you to see clearly. Medical conditions such as high blood pressure and diabetes can increase the risks of cataracts. If you have one of these health issues, the doctor may recommend that you don't wait to schedule a surgical procedure.

Will Surgery Work If You Wait?

You don't have additional medical conditions that could put you at a greater risk for cataract-related issues and you can still see well. Do you need to have surgery right away? If your cataracts don't interfere with your vision or your daily activities (such as driving), it's possible you could wait for treatment. This decision is one that you should only make in consultation with a licensed ophthalmologist. 

While waiting for surgery won't do anything to correct your cataracts right now, it isn't likely to interfere with the end result of the procedure. Cataract surgery requires the doctor to remove the clouded lens and replace it with an artificial one. If your cataracts have grown, the doctor will still use the same procedure. This means if you've waited to seek treatment, it isn't too late to schedule a surgery. Again, talk to your doctor before you decide to postpone (or choose) surgery.

For more information on cataract surgery, contact a doctor near you.
